
Nasadol CBD Nasal Spray

Original price was: $36.95.Current price is: $28.95.

Nasadol CBD Nasal Spray

We’ve solved the problem of converting pure, pharmaceutical grade CBDisolate into a nano particle water soluble form and packaged it into a refreshing saline nasal mist! Our water soluble CBD in the nose is immediately and efficiently absorbed, and directly transferred to within the brain. When you spray Nasadol CBD Nasal Spray into your nose, you will start to feel the health effects of our precise dosing right away. Contains no THC.


Nasadol CBD Nasal Spray 200mg

We’ve solved the problem of converting pure, pharmaceutical grade CBD isolate into a nano particle water soluble form and packaged it into a refreshing saline nasal mist! Our water soluble CBD in the nose is immediately and efficiently absorbed, and directly transferred to within the brain. When you spray Nasadol CBD Nasal Spray into your nose, you will start to feel the health effects of our precise dosing right away. Contains no THC.

Nasadol CBD Nasal Spray comes in two strengths

  • Our original 200mg bottle delivers 1mg CBD per spray. This formulation contains hints of vanilla and menthol.
  • Our 400mg bottle delivers 2mg CBD per spray. This formulation contains the terpene Limonene. The 2mg per spray blend delivers a robust nasal experience for times when you need big help fast. The Limonene is citrusy-limey-orange-grapefruit. You may notice citrus finish in the nose and soft palate for a short time after use.

Why did we add Limonene to this mist?

  • Limonene smells great!
  • Limonene is a terpene, or natural chemical found in plants. Limonene is found in high concentrations in the peels of citrus fruits. It is also a dominant terpene in cannabis flowers. People smell orange, lime, lemon and grapefruit in this wonderful terpene.
  • Limonene not only dictates the distinct smell of citrus fruits and cannabis, it can also act on receptors and neurotransmitters and enhance CBD activity.

Some of Limonene’s studied effects include:

  • Elevated mood
  • Stress relief
  • Antifungal properties
  • Antibacterial properties
  • May help relieve heartburn and gastric reflux
  • Improves absorption of other terpenes and cannabinoids, like CBD by way of the skin, mucous membranes, and digestive tract

Never Buy CBD from a company that does not perform, and share their analysis!

Should you expect vendors to prove what’s in their CBD products? The simple answer is yes. You would never accept your pharmacist handing you an unlabeled bottle of pills and telling you, “Here you go. Good luck, hope this helps!”

There are hundreds of companies selling products labeled as CBD. Do they really have CBD in them? Do they have THC? You deserve to know!

Nasadol partners with ProVerde Labs to provide you the results of the highest quality analytic testing in the industry. Our nasal sprays contain exactly what we say they contain, in the amounts we promise, nothing else, and with ZERO THC.

When you purchase Nasadol CBD Nasal Spray from one of our retail partners, you can be reassured our third party testing reaffirms our commitment to exacting quality standards.



Additional information


Nasadol CBD Nasal Spray
Nasal application – gentle, fast and efficient way of delivering therapeutic CBD to the nasal system.

CBD Isolate

pure, pharmaceutical grade CBD isolate into a nano particle water soluble form and packaged it into a refreshing saline nasal mist!


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